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    (+62) 216660-7217
  • Address

    Jl. Pluit Raya 5A No.12 Komplek Ruko Wijaya Sakti,
    Penjaringan, Jakarta Barat 14440


Our Location

Address :Jl. Pluit Raya 5A No.12
Komplek Ruko Wijaya Sakti,
Penjaringan, Jakarta Barat 14440

Phone :(+62) 216660-7217

Email :technocranes@technocranes.co.id

Email Us

We are here for you.
If you have question in relation to purchasing new crane unit, replacing / upgrading existing unit, purchasing crane accessories, spare parts or after sales service for cranes, please fill in your details below and one of our friendly staff will contact you to assist further.